Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Planning our life: How softwares can do?

When working in the time-pressure enviroment, we often try to plan our works for a day, a week, a month, a year and may be for our life. Planning becomes a useful habit of active people in modern life, especially in the era of information technology.
How can IT support human? We can see that there are many softwares written for this purpose, but with me, they are not sufficient convenient for using in real world although they have many functions. We can list here some famous softwares: planning tool of OpenOffice and Microsoft, Tomboy, FreeMind,... We can easily see that OpenOffice or Microsoft are used mostly in software projects while Tomboy just has a few functions. So, I want to propose a new planning tool for personal life. This software should have some basic functions:
  • Support sketching our tasks in a day.
  • Support preparing essential resources for each task.
  • Support confirming what tasks are finished or done.
  • Support reminding us some important events or tasks.
  • Analyse our works to increase efficiency of planning tasks.
  • We can see our plan wherever we are (networked data) with whatever tool we have (mobile, PC,...).
  • ...
I have just listed here some functions. I'm going to implement this tool on Linux OS, something like GDesklet. I also hope that someone will understand these suggestions and make one for us. It's very good :).

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